Katarzyna Wyszkowska (Born in 1994, Tuchów, Poland) lives and works in Krakow, Poland.

2013-2019 Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow

2018-2021 Faculty of Paintings, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow

since 2022 Doctoral School, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow




You’ll rest on the run, Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow

20 SURVIVAL, Art Review, Wroclaw

Disjecta Membra, Szara Kamienica Gallery, Krakow

Beyond Myths: Reimagining Folk Tales, Ingenio, Gran Canaria, Spain

Refugees Welcome, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw

Setting Sun Is Blue Here, Jak Zapomnieć Gallery, Krakow


In these days of tumult, heat and dazzle I retreat in my mind, Stefan Gierowski Foundation, Warsaw

Final of Hestia Artistic Journey, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw

After Hours, Nanazenit Gallery, Warsaw