One More Nap

75 cm x 90 cm x 65 cm 2022

“One more nap” captures the mood of dreamy procrastination that accompanies freelance and remote work. In this psychedelic scene, we see a figure taking a nap. The sleep, however, will not last long, as a huge alarm clock hovers over the sleeper. The figure of the sleeper blends into the surroundings, just like the private the public spheres blend. In bureaucracy, rules and boundaries are clearly defined. Discipline comes from managers and bosses. In biocracy, on the other hand, the line between work and non-work is blurred. The apparatus of discipline is not set in the external environment – it is within us. As a result, we work almost the entire time. Byung-Chul Han in “Psychopolitics” describes job burnout and depression as the body’s immunologic reaction to self-harm. The inflammation is not caused by an “outsider” but by ourselves. When the mind is a tool of work, we direct our aggression inward. Frustration does not find a venting outlet, and relaxation is lined with stress.”

Kat Zavada, curator